How To Make Your Website ADA Compliant

We’ve all heard the term ADA Compliant but too few of us understand what it means. In short, if your website does not accommodate those with disabilities as statedin the Americans with Disabilities Act, you could be in big trouble.

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Testing Your Site: Is it ADA Compliant?
Since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed years ago, many great new tools and applications have come to light. Using these tools gives you the power to be certain your site or business is indeed ADA Compliant.

Examples of Available ADA Testing Tools: Get SEO today!
We all understand that in business, as in life, everything changes so being set up and ready for the next incoming change can easily place you at the top of the pile when it comes to ADA Compliance and SEO platforms. Your website must be flawless across all platforms and function correctly and smoothly on desktop computers, tablets, laptops, and mobile phones. So keep a close eye on your site and its ease of operability as well as the competition.