Is St. John Safe for Tourists?
Good health and safety precautions are always a good idea whether you are home or traveling abroad. St. John Island is considered one of the
safest tourist destinations in the world and being a protectorate territory of the United States, the same regulations and rulings apply.
Safety When Visiting St. John Islands:
St. John is currently considered one of the safest islands in the Caribbean. When considering your next vacation, stay at St John Villa Rentals.
We know that crime and criminals are everywhere so you should exercise the same safeguards as you would in your home area.
St. John does have a robust Police Department and they are available 24/7 just like at home. The crime rate is low and this is by design.
St. John and all of the Caribbean islands are just so beautiful that tourism is an essential part of their economy. Everywhere you look, you will find happy
smiling visitors and St. John likes to keep it that way.
What about the local critters & wildlife?
When we think of the Caribbean, we often think of snakes. Visitors to St. John should rest easy knowing that there are no Boa, Corn snakes, or
Racer snakes in the natural wildlife areas. There are a few scorpions but they are not at all poisonous.
What about big spiders? Tarantulas do call the island home but they shy away from people and their bite is no stronger than a common bee sting.
There are also centipedes but like the scorpions, the bite is quite innocuous. Anyone with allergies to bug bites should carry with them an
antihistamine just in case! The locals will always tell you that the chances of seeing any of these critters are slim to none.
Health and Hospital Status:
Your stay at St. John Villa Rentals will be worry free because St John has the Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center which is a
comprehensive primary healthcare facility and nearby St. Thomas has a great hospital staffed by skilled and competent doctors who offer
complete care to all those on the island including emergency care, urgent care, and family services. When visiting St. John, you are well covered
if a medical emergency does occur.
Covid-19 Status:
No inoculations or passports are currently required as long as you remain on St. John. Any travel to British-held or non-US islands does however
require passports and Covid-19 rules do apply. As with any travel out of the USA, you should do some checking and research for Covid-19 per destination.
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